Main Raw Materials
Rice Husk
10 million tonnes of rice husk in Indonesia are wasted each year that can be
turned into additional income for rural farmers worth approximately IDR 5
Trillion. NODE in collaboration with the Indonesian Agriculture Ministry Post
Harvest Research Center have successfully repurposed the waste and turn it
into Biosilica Rubber. We are continuously developing our formulas and coming
up with new product innovations with two patents registered each year since
Biomass Ash
3 tonnes of ash from one biomass energy plant boiler are generated each day
and have ended up in landfill due to lack of innovation initiative. NODE was
approached by one of the biggest energy service company to come up with a
more sustainable solution to manage this monstrous waste and we have also
successfully turned it into B grade Biosilica Rubber suitable for lower cost
products but with better quality & durability than its synthetic equivalent.